A friend recently told me he regularly prays Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of …
Entangled in Our Story
The fall of Adam and Eve was a painful moment, and that pain spread like wildfire. By Genesis chapter 6 the default mode of everyone was to endlessly do wrong. These distorted and corrupted humans were spiralling out of control, …
Buoyed by Prayer
I returned from a trip to Canada and the US this week. During the 17 days I experienced significant help from God. I had wonderful opportunities to talk about Jesus and rich times of mutual encouragement with many fellow Navigators. A …
Driving on the Right Road
The invisible powers of our western world move us on, like cars driving to the city in the morning commute. Our thinking, our efforts, our desires are steered towards seeking things like: Financial security and wealth. A house in a …
How deep are your foundations?
Several years ago I built a small building to house a composting toilet. My abiding memory of this experience is the effort to establish the foundation. The above ground building grew more quickly and with less effort than the foundation. …
Walking with God is not a walk in the park
I’ve always thought the idea of ‘walking with God’ sounded like a very dignified and graceful thing to do. But then I realised that walking with God implies two things: 1. You are on the move; and 2. God is …
How strong are my convictions?
Earlier this month I visited friends living in Indonesia. For over 40 years Peter has intentionally shared the Good News about God with people around him. Peters’ love for people and his passion to share the Good News caused me …
They are made in the Image of God
I’ve been pondering the verse in Genesis: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…’” (Genesis1:26). Think of some of the different people you know: the over-happy gym-bunny, the deep reflective artist, the loud person …
More than a little bit pregnant
It would have been fascinating to be a fly on the wall when Mary said to Joseph, “Honestly, I haven’t slept with anyone. But I may be a little bit pregnant…” At Christmas, we celebrate God showing total commitment to …