Boundary of Belief

If you’re anything like me, every now and then you have ‘fragile’ moments. These are moments when you see your weaknesses so clearly that no amount of considering your positive points can hide your disappointment with yourself. The internal voice whispers, “You should be doing better than this,” followed closely by “but you’re not.” The voice carries on: “There you go again. Will you ever get this right? You’re a failure.” And there’s nowhere to hide.

It’s moments like these that test your faith. Not faith in the existence of God; that’s easy. The majority of people in the world believe this. The really difficult thing is to believe in the existence of a God who thinks you are significant. To believe in a God who knows you and enjoys being with you. To believe in a God who thinks the world is a better place for having you in it. To believe in a God who has seen you at your worst and yet still takes great delight in you and loves you with an unstoppable love.

This is the stuff that pushes me to the boundary of belief. It’s hard to accept because this isn’t the way our world works. In our world, if you perform you’re accepted, but if you don’t keep up the performing then people question your value. As you drop further and further behind in the ‘race’ you become irrelevant and insignificant, just another user of valuable space and resources.

But the story told by ‘our world’ is a lie. The real story is that Jesus gave himself freely for us, and this demonstrates how fully and completely God loves you and me. If you’ve ever failed, if you’ve ever fallen, or if you’ve ever felt alone and insignificant, then this is a message for you. Inside the boundary of belief is a ‘safe’ place of slow death. Stepping outside the boundary is a risk, but for the courageous you’ll find a love beyond belief.

And beyond doubt, this is Good News.
Glen Morris
National Director