“What helps you to pray regularly?” This was a question someone asked me after a talk recently. How would you answer this question? My first thought is that praying with others helps me to pray regularly. From praying daily with …
Honest conversations with God
A close friend shared this conversation they had with God recently. I was struck by their honesty with God, “I don’t feel very loved”. I was also impressed by the way God’s Spirit brought truths from the Bible to mind …
Faithfulness or fruitfulness
Recently I talked with a couple who have faithfully shared friendship and the message of Jesus with their neighbours. While being attracted to the quality of relationship these neighbours see in my friend’s lives, they have rejected invitations to learn …
With Jesus where He is
Some of the fruit trees in our garden produce more than one variety of fruit. It’s amazing to take a bud from one desirable tree and graft it onto a another compatible tree, and in time harvest fruit from this …
Daring to Share
If you are like me it takes courage to talk about Jesus, even a small comment that identifies us with Christ. We are in good company. The Apostle Paul reflected to the Thessalonians that it was with help from God that he …
Reflecting and praying the Psalms
Where is your strength and encouragement coming from at this time? Listening to the news keeps me informed of Covid-19 developments, being in the bible connects me with God’s help and perspective. I am finding the Psalms to be a rich source of encouragement and stimulation in my relationship …
A thousand times better
One day with God is better than a thousand elsewhere. This idea motivated me to invest two days praying and listening to God in January. The amount of time is not as important as the intention to focus on God. The …
Pray and Play
During a recent visit to New Zealand Al Engler, who works in Seattle with the Navigators, introduced us to ‘pray and play’. Al shared a story of going to party with a group of young friends to illustrate this idea. Before …
Mercy or religion
I’ve recently been inspired by Jesus’ encounter with Matthew and his tax collector friends.1 Given the animosity between Jews and tax collectors it’s amazing that Matthew appears perfectly comfortable joining Jesus and his group of followers. What was it about Jesus and the …
Lessons from the Sheep Pen
The attentiveness of shepherding has become more clear to me this year with our ewes and lambs needing extra care and help. On many days this has meant feeding animals four times a day and administering medication. One of our lambs, …