Prayerful Workers for The Kingdom

As a thought exercise, a mentor recently challenged Aislinn and I to consider what we could do to ensure the failure of our ministries and suggested that failing to pray would be near the top of the list. Since then, …

Navigators Leadership Gathering

How can we work together as Custodians of our Navigator Calling and Vision as gift income staff, conventional income leaders, board members and elders? Forty leaders came together April 19-21 to hear from God and one another on this theme. …


This is a reflection on persevering, the theme for this years’ National Gathering. ‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us’ (Hebrews 12:2). I am drawn to and challenged by the idea of running with perseverance in …

Not Just Counselling

The work of Settlers reintegration is a combination of friendship, advocacy, social support, counselling, bible study and discipleship. When I reflect on the long term, ongoing support ex-offenders need to reintegrate well into living productive, contributing lives within the community, …

Our Settlers Mission

Our call as Settlers is to people who for various reasons find themselves in difficult places in life. People who have experienced things like physical or sexual abuse, imprisonment, addiction, health challenges or just plain loneliness and isolation. We help …

Our Dual Commitment

Often, we are reminded of the imperative to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth, yet our efforts in reaching family and friends tend to take precedence. However, it’s essential to recognize that it’s not an either-or scenario; …

70 Years of Reaching the Nations

Our Navigators Vision Pushed Us to Look Beyond Our Borders to The Nations Early in the 1950s, when Dawson Trotman and his newly formed Navigator team prayed over maps of the world, their attention lingered over the Pacific Islands. Skip …

The Gospel in South Asia

In October, Anna Wachter, Jarred Liow, and I had the privilege of serving on our 2023 Navigators trip to South Asia. Thank you so much for your prayers! God certainly answered them for our safety, good health, and opportunities to …

Celebrating 70 Years!

This edition of Navigate marks seventy years of The Navigators work in New Zealand. A work that has expanded through everyday people and staff working together on campuses, amongst 20s30s, in families, neighbourhoods, workplaces, rural settings, with churches, amongst internationals, …