(Picture above is the Asia Pacific Leadership Team in Taiwan)
Almost three years ago, God led us to form a Missions team to grow cross-cultural missions in the Asia Pacific region. At the same time, God led people from other nations to advance the Good News of Jesus into countries and people groups across Asia Pcific. Right from the start, our team has had a powerful sense of being led by God and responding to what we see God doing. For this reason, one of our roles is to pray for Missions. We praise and listen to God; we pray for more workers, and we pray for our pioneers serving in challenging places.
Another one of our roles is to stir up Mission awareness amongst our national country leaders. National leaders have many responsibilities. They focus on raising people to lead in their own countries, which I know from personal experience. Alongside trusting God for local and national needs, we encourage country leaders to have faith goals in Missions. This practice broadens our vision and gives us a bigger purpose as we live and disciple among the lost where God has placed us. Having a vision for the Nations alongside a vision for the Good News growing in our local setting reflects God’s heart, and our Navigator heritage (see video link below).
Young families inspire me. I see them going to unreached people groups, learning new languages, and immersing themselves in communities in order to share Jesus through their lives and messages. Their example of living among the people they are seeking to reach challenges me. In late October, our Missions team is organising a forum for over thirty-five of these Mission pioneers across our region. This forum is not just a gathering but a platform for these pioneers to learn from one another and interact over issues related to the growth of the Gospel in their settings. Often, our pioneers labour faithfully with few opportunities to interact with other pioneers serving in other regions, and this forum will be a significant step in changing that.
There are many common principles to laying a good foundation for the Gospel and in living and discipling among the lost, regardless of the religious mainstream context you are in, including secular settings.
I have the privilege of leading our Asia Pacific Missions Team of seven passionate people from five different nationalities. Please pray for our team and the growth of Missions in our region and that we preach the Good News to all nations.
The Nations and The Navigators – This seven-minute video on the story of The Navigators and the Nations is not just a video, it’s a powerful testament to our shared mission. It gives me goosebumps each time I see it, and I encourage you to watch it to feel the same connection and inspiration.
Simon Cayzer