Today, more than ever, we have a legion of opportunities before us. We can choose where we work, where we live, what we do for leisure, who we spend time with and how we spend our money. And this rich …
Miraculous at the Extreme
As Jesus ate his last supper with the disciples, he already knew some important information: that Judas would betray him, Peter would deny him, and the rest (who would run away at his arrest) didn’t have a clue what was …
Doing what we know
We know lots about lots. Or rather, we get lots of data about lots of things. A tsunami of information comes at us via TV, radio, newspapers, email, Facebook and twitter, and if there’s anything we don’t know, we just …
Observing Jesus
If I was an observer at the time of Jesus, I could easily have missed his significance. His beginning was dubious, given his teenage mother was pregnant and unmarried(Mat 1:18), and his parents were nothing to write home about (Luke 1:26-27). …
Within Range of Miracle Territory
Can you remember the worst thing you’ve ever done to someone else? No doubt, you’ll have a variety of failures to choose from. For all of us, some days have definitely been better than others. As I consider my failures, …
Boundary of Belief
If you’re anything like me, every now and then you have ‘fragile’ moments. These are moments when you see your weaknesses so clearly that no amount of considering your positive points can hide your disappointment with yourself. The internal voice …
Living Out Of The Mid-Range
“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at something that doesn’t really matter” I am in danger of living my entire existence in the mid-range of life. This is a safe place because it’s under my …