How can we work together as Custodians of our Navigator Calling and Vision as gift income staff, conventional income leaders, board members and elders? Forty leaders came together April 19-21 to hear from God and one another on this theme. We were encouraged to be strong in the grace that is in Christ as Mike Shamy shared from 2 Timothy. Glen Morris in a session called Go Lead encouraged us to use what we have, to trust God for the impossible, and to not hold back. God often stretches us beyond reasonable expectations. Don’t play it safe was how Prakash Primulapathi expressed these ideas.
These messages became our experience. Early in the morning on the first day Juliet and I came down with a nasty gastro bug that meant we could not be part of the weekend. I reached out to my national leadership teammates at the weekend who worked together to lead where I could not.
This unexpected event led us to rely on Jesus and his grace. My part became praying and Tim & Leah Simpson, and Merodie Rose worked together to lead the sessions I no longer could. As they were stretched beyond reasonable expectations, they experienced Jesus’ grace and God used the weekend significantly in our movement.
It seems to me we all needed to serve out of our weakness, relying on Jesus and his grace. While not comfortable, responding in faith and relying on Jesus’ grace can more clearly show Jesus’ power (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).
Simon Cayzer