During a recent visit to New Zealand Al Engler, who works in Seattle with the Navigators, introduced us to ‘pray and play’. Al shared a story of going to party with a group of young friends to illustrate this idea. Before heading out to the party in fancy dress costumes, the small group prayed for the party and their time with the people there. Having asked God to use and lead them as he saw fit, they relaxed and enjoyed the party.
Prayer may be as much about us getting onto God’s wavelength, as it is asking God to move in our friends lives. God is present and at work before and after we turn up. As we pray and play we can expect God’s Spirit to prompt and guide us. Turning up to be with friends who don’t yet know Jesus is an expression of love for God and our friends, as is speaking about Jesus as we have opportunity.
Questions to reflect on
What are some ways you could practice ‘pray and play’?
Who could you do this with?