In late June to early July, Abbey Johnson and I led a team of eight New Zealand university students on a mission trip to Fiji. God’s hand was evident in every step of our journey, from the moment we began planning last November to the heartfelt goodbyes we exchanged with our new Fijian friends as we left places we visited.
Our primary goal was to serve the Fiji Navigators by passing on foundational disciple-making tools and sharing the gospel using the ‘3 Circles’ tool, a simple yet powerful way to communicate the good news of Jesus. Watching our students confidently share their faith and see a look of understanding ignite in the eyes of the locals was deeply encouraging. We were able to pass on disciple-making tools, empowering our friends to continue the work long after we returned home.
God’s provision was clear from the outset. Despite initial travel uncertainties, logistical details fell seamlessly into place. The warmth and hospitality of the Fijian people exceeded our expectations, opening their homes and hearts to us in ways that reflected God’s love. We often found ourselves marvelling at how God had prepared the way, creating divine appointments where we could share the gospel in meaningful and impactful ways. These encounters were powerful reminders of why we were there: to be vessels of God’s love and truth.
For our Navigators family in Fiji, our prayer is that God will use the seeds planted to grow a thriving community of believers who are equipped to make disciples. We look forward to hearing how they continue to build on the things God enabled us to share and do. We pray this will help foster a movement that can transform their communities and build God’s kingdom by raising up future labourers for the harvest.
This trip was transformative for our students who witnessed firsthand the power of the gospel and the importance of boldly living out their faith. They returned to New Zealand with a greater love for God and people, a new passion for evangelism and making disciples, and an eagerness to apply what they learned. We look forward to seeing how God uses these experiences with our students here in New Zealand.
In the end, this trip was about more than just a single trip—it was about building a mutually beneficial partnership with the Fiji Navigators. To see His provision, experience the beauty of cross-cultural ministry, and envision the long-term impact has been a journey of faith and growth for us all. I’m deeply grateful for the privilege of leading such a dedicated team and witnessing God’s amazing work in Fiji.
Thanks for your prayers and generous gifts that made this trip a reality. Please pray as we prepare for our next trip with students to Fiji in 2025.
–Brian Wachter