Dean Smyth
Do you notice how God is always moving—how He used the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night to lead Moses and the nation of Israel towards the Promised Land? Late last year, the Auckland Navigators Staff team read through the book of Acts. We noticed the movement of the gospel across towns, cities, and nations that came about through the preaching of the gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit. Many chapters in Acts open with the early disciples praying over which way to go and the Spirit of God leading them in pivotal decision-making about who should go where and who they should take. When the disciples preached the gospel, the lost were saved, people were healed, lives were changed, new works of God were established, and churches were planted. As new disciples grew in their faith, they, too, were sent to other places. God is always on the move.
Reading through this year’s Navigate articles reveals a similar, familiar pattern. Check out the headline articles:
- “From Student-to-Student Staff” – Ben & Dee Burnell’s journey
- “Gerdion On Mission in Canada”
- “A Transformed Life”
- “Called To Your Neighbourhood”
- “On Mission in A Local Community”
- “The First Trip of Hopefully Many”
God has moved in hearts and lives throughout the year, changing ordinary people from the inside out and then challenging them to do extraordinary things. He is changing heart values; careers are reimagined, workplaces become mission fields, neighbourhoods of strangers become extended family, student campuses become communities where lives are shared, and acts of kindness and generosity defy earthly logic.
This year, God has strategically positioned and prepared The Navigators for the next season of His work. There have been significant shifts and changes, with people moving to where God is calling them next. Seasoned campaigners are heading away, some returning to their own nations to invest in God’s Kingdom in new ways. Others are focusing on leading the work as it grows and develops, providing nurture and wisdom. Some are diving deep into biblical study and training as God matures them for the future. These shifts and changes are like God’s secret weapon being developed behind closed doors. As change occurs, new champions step up to take their place on the front line. Your support is vital for their success, and we want you to know that you are a valued part of this significant cause.
As we reflect on God’s continuous movement and the encouraging progress of the Navigators, we are reminded of the vital role your prayers play in this mission. Your faithful intercession is not just a formality, but a crucial element for the success of this work. Transitions can be challenging, and each step of faith comes with a cost. Your prayers for grace, provision, protection, and God’s leading are deeply valued and needed for what lies ahead. You are an integral part of this mission, and your prayers connect us all in this journey.