What is the Good News?

A workshop by Brian Wachter and Ben Burnell

Attendees at our workshop expressed the same question: How do we communicate the hope and love of Jesus to our friends and family in a way that truly resonates?

Bad news is everywhere. Whether it’s stress at work, broken relationships, or the uncertainty of the future, everyone carries a burden. These FELT NEEDS can lead to discussions about REAL NEEDS, and that’s where the good news of Jesus shines brightest. The gospel isn’t an abstract idea of salvation; it’s deeply personal. Jesus meets people right where they are, addressing their unique needs and struggles with His love, grace, and truth.

During the workshop, we introduced the ‘3 Circles’ gospel tool. The simplicity of this method struck a chord with everyone. It visually explains how God’s perfect design for our lives was broken by sin, casting our world into brokenness. Jesus makes a way for us to be restored and to recover and pursue God’s design as new creations. This tool helps break down the message of the gospel into three easy-to-understand steps, making it accessible for anyone—especially when trying to explain the gospel to non-believing friends. Each attendee practiced sharing the 3 Circles whilst also tailoring their presentation to meet a FELT NEED their friends might have.

We also highlighted the value of having multiple tools in ‘our belt’, introducing key ideas from a book by author and evangelist Bill Fay, titled ‘Share Jesus Without Fear’. This book provides examples of how to ask good questions that naturally lead to conversations about Jesus. Questions like do you have any kind of spiritual belief; what do you think of Jesus; or if your belief were wrong, would you wish to know about it. These questions allow us to engage people in meaningful conversations with friends without overwhelming them.

What stood out most amongst the attendees was a shared desire to reach people, not through debate or pressure, but through genuine love and care. Jesus is already at work in our friends’ lives, and we join Him in the process of drawing them closer.

Overall, the workshop was a wonderful time of learning, sharing, and discovering practical ways to introduce our non-believing friends to the greatest news they could ever hear—Jesus loves them, and His Kingdom is available to them today.

If you’re interested in learning more about the ‘3 Circles’ tool, click here for a short and compelling introductory video that explains how it works. Also, you can order ‘Share Jesus Without Fear’ online from Amazon Australia or Koorong.
