I’ve only been in Ottawa for 5 months, and it has already been so eventful! We’ve had multiple encouraging events, of which the Christmas party and Sub-Zero Beach Party are a couple. There’s been personal ups and downs; feeling isolated in a new place was to be expected, but the trip to the ER was not. With a full team here and a church I’ve been getting plugged into, it’s slowly starting to feel more homely here in Ottawa. (Although, the cold is not very inviting!)
I came with a fear of being the only male Navigator worker on this campus, But God has really led the way in preparing many young men who are open to being poured into at Carleton University. One of the first guys I started meeting with was Brady, and he’s been such a delight to meet with weekly. He’s already firm in his faith, so we’ve been looking into why and how we can invest in those around us so they may come to know and love Christ. I’ve also challenged him with getting started with scripture memorisation, which he has dove headfirst into.
Another student I’ve been meeting with regularly is Tobias. He’s also quite established in his faith and very passionate about scripture. We’ve been looking into what might be the next step in his faith and what areas might need some growth. So, in the coming months we’ll be exploring what it looks like to take all that knowledge of God and apply it in life. Specifically, how we direct the love Christ has given us to those around us in fellowship and witnessing for Christ.
After some reflection and processing with God, I’ve been reminded that I’m most passionate about the students on campus who don’t yet know Christ. So, my vision moving forward is to connect with as many students as possible – in the hopes of meeting some of those who are open to exploring faith and the character of Jesus. How I might do this is something I’m still figuring out. I would love for you to pray with me for doors to curious students to be opened, for the hearts of those students to be softened, and for patience within myself as I seek and interact with students.
Although there’s so much to be excited about in what God’s doing at Carleton University, I’ve been the most amazed at how He’s been working in my life. As God’s Word continues to challenge me in my thoughts and actions, I’ve found myself even more compelled to seek Him and His will for my life. And when I feel at my lowest, He continues to show that He’s a firm foundation I can rest upon.
I thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. God bless.
Gerdion Venter