In the Power of the Spirit

Simon Cayzer Jesus stepped into his mission among us, having heard his Father say to him, “You are my son whom I love; with you, I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:21-22, NLT). This declaration must have strengthened Jesus’ sense of …

Lead, Develop, Care – The Shepherd Model

Brian Wachter “With upright heart, he shepherded them and guided them with his skilful hand.” Psalm 78:72 (ESV) Our leadership team came together in Christchurch for a two-day training event ahead of the 2024 National Gathering, and it was a …

The Lord is Our Shepherd

Amy Wachter In Psalm 23, David describes how the Lord is our Shepherd, saying, “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.” If you’re like me, as this year comes …

Looking Back Over 2024

This year has been a year that has positioned us for growth in 2025. It has been a year of reaching out, making disciple, investing into leadership, learning to persevere, gathering to encourage each other, going on missions, celebrating growth, …

What Has God Been Doing This Year?

Dean Smyth Do you notice how God is always moving—how He used the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night to lead Moses and the nation of Israel towards the Promised Land? Late last year, …

Reading the Bible with our Non-Believing Friends

A Workshop by Ben Reichert and Prakash Primulapathi Reading the Bible with someone who knows nothing about Jesus, or the Bible, might be daunting, but it’s easier than you think. The Bible is the living word of God, which can …

What is the Good News?

A workshop by Brian Wachter and Ben Burnell Attendees at our workshop expressed the same question: How do we communicate the hope and love of Jesus to our friends and family in a way that truly resonates? Bad news is …

Persevering in My Faith Through Cancer

Philippa Brocklehurst Three and a half years ago, when I began treatment for lymphoma (a very treatable but incurable form of blood cancer) God encouraged me with Rembrandt’s Red Chalk drawing of a child holding his Caregivers’ hands, learning to …

Listening Prayer

A Workshop Presented by Jin Rood On the opening night of the conference, Jin shared a slide-show presentation of famous artwork. She encouraged attendees to use the visuals, accompanied by piano music played by Theo Simpson, to meditate on an …