When God called the prophet Jeremiah he said, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed (or gave) you as a prophet to the nations.” We are each in this world by design and with something to give. For Jeremiah this was challenging the people of Israel and the surrounding nations to turn to God.
While Jeremiah listened to God and followed the Lord’s direction for his life, his audience had other ideas. Their stubborn hearts got in the way of them listening to God’s design for their lives. Rejecting the direction of the one who made us seems ridiculous until you realise how common this is and see this tendency in your own life at times!
We have a small tractor designed to run on diesel and able to carry out certain valued functions on our lifestyle block. I am careful not to put petrol in the fuel tank and not drive the tractor in ways it was not designed for, fearing the impact this may have on me let alone the tractor! How much more might this apply to how I live my life?
For reflection
How conscious are you of living by God’s design?
Can you name 1-2 contributions God has designed you to make?