This COVID-19 pandemic means our world is changing fast. Amidst all the uncertainty we think it’s important we stay in touch and support each other as we trust God to use us at this time.
Like everyone else, we are no longer meeting face to face in small groups, one-to one meetings, and various other Navigator gatherings. Our people are now meeting online in small groups and one to one for encouragement, prayer and bible study. Please contact us if you would appreciate connecting with us in any of these ways.
As our National Gathering is scheduled for October 2-4, this is too far into the future for us to make any decisions about at present. The planning team has worked on contingency plans for this event and will continue to evaluate the viability of the National Gathering. We will keep you informed of decisions.
Can we help? Please get in touch and let us know how we can help you.
EMAIL: [email protected]
We invite you to join one of our online Lockdown prayer times each day for 20-30min.
- The link for the 7am call is: Morning Lockdown Prayer Link
- The link for the 11 am call (Monday to Friday): Mid Morning Lockdown Prayer Link
- The link for the 9pm call is: Evening Lockdown Prayer Link
If you would like to receive daily prayer reminders, please fill in this form.