I’ve been pondering the verse in Genesis: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…’” (Genesis1:26).
Think of some of the different people you know: the over-happy gym-bunny, the deep reflective artist, the loud person who protests at injustice, the quiet shy person who keeps an eye out for the elderly person next door, the party-hardened friend of everyone, the German-precision engineer. All these very different personalities carry something of the image of God. In other words, God is in some way like that.
I’m staggered that, in some way, I’m like God. But, as I think about the people in my world, I’m sobered by the reality that they too carry a God-likeness – that God is in some way like them. The paraphrased words of Jesus ring in my ears: ‘Whatever you do for one of the least of these – or whatever you think about them – you do the same for me’. In terms of having more respect for these others, I need to up my game. And you?
Glen Morris