Too Busy

“Life is busy!” we complain. But who are we kidding? This is how we choose to live. If we found a way to be more efficient in our activities so that we saved time, what would we do with that extra time? …

Engaging with the whole Bible

At our recent Navigators National Gathering Mutua Mahiaini strongly encouraged us to engage deeply with the whole Bible. He asked us when we last read through the Bible. This challenged me and so I have decided to use one night each week to …

Messages from God

Three weeks ago I was walking on a beach in Tonga. Juliet and I had been invited to join the Tongan Navigators for their 40th anniversary celebration. We returned to NZ with beautiful stories of people meeting Jesus and passing on their …

Two Hands

Imagine your hands held out in front of you. Focusing on one hand represents looking at God and his word, while focusing on your other hand represents looking at your circumstances. We all experience times when God and his word …

God breathes out, we breathe in

“God formed a man from the dust of the ground, and the Lord breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living being.” Genesis2:7 We are made of dust. We are of the earth, limited in time …

He is already there

The Lord goes with me – anywhere, anytime. His presence is reassuring, especially if I’m going into a challenging situation. But too often I forget that as well as going with me, the Lord also goes ahead of me. He doesn’t just …

Connecting with God

‘Connecting with God’ is the first trait in a booklet I am reading called ‘The five traits of a Christ-follower’. I like how one of the authors describe Jesus visiting Martha and Mary, “Mary and Martha and Jesus were all …

He welcomes the failing humble

There is a small number of things that I stake my life on. One of these is the immense capacity of the Lord to forgive people – even really bad people. King Manasseh of Judah is one example. He was …

What are you storing up?

When people ask me what fruit trees we have on our property I talk about our little Beurre bosc pear tree that produces a bumper crop each year. We have been harvesting beautiful fruit from this tree for over a …