Our Daily Need to Know God’s Love

I grew up knowing I was loved. This was communicated through countless small actions and at times given voice in heart felt expressions of love. Once I left home I realised how significant this was. One of the few times …

The Place of Being Intentional

As I flew home I was thinking about this blog and being intentional as an everyday worker for Jesus. I had exchanged pleasantries with the person I was sitting next to and we had both settled into relaxing after being away for …

In your light we see light

Friends have expressed shock, anxiety, pain and anger to the terrorist attacks in Christchurch. What does this mean for the future? God’s Spirit and God’s Word are both a comfort and a “compass” in situations like this, orientating us to …

Little initiatives

The kingdom of Jesus grows as you and I take little initiatives to serve and love the people around us. This might be with family, flatmates, workmates, neighbours, friends or others we meet in the course of our daily lives. Jesus gave us …

By design

When God called the prophet Jeremiah he said, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed (or gave) you as a prophet to the nations.” We are each …

Living the story

After an intense time of serving, Jesus said to his disciples, “come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” I imagine laughter and lightness in their spirits as the disciples set off by boat on …

Engaging with the whole Bible

At our recent Navigators National Gathering Mutua Mahiaini strongly encouraged us to engage deeply with the whole Bible. He asked us when we last read through the Bible. This challenged me and so I have decided to use one night each week to …

Messages from God

Three weeks ago I was walking on a beach in Tonga. Juliet and I had been invited to join the Tongan Navigators for their 40th anniversary celebration. We returned to NZ with beautiful stories of people meeting Jesus and passing on their …

Two Hands

Imagine your hands held out in front of you. Focusing on one hand represents looking at God and his word, while focusing on your other hand represents looking at your circumstances. We all experience times when God and his word …

Inviting feedback

A friend recently told me he regularly prays Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of …